Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Platchen Backen Time: The schwestern got together and made these fun sacks, then we filled them with "kuchen" (cookies). We gave them to some less-actives and elderly, and to our dear Schwester Luke who is in a senior care home.
The Brothers came for the FOOD, not necessarily to help. I guess this is the same in every country!! BUT THEY ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.

We welcomed another visit to the Freiberg Temple. We took these two schwestern to complete their family sealings. Schwester Bendel was sealed to her husband, who died 15 years ago, and Schwester Keuthmann was sealed to her parents. (she is on the left) There was much work done prior to this forever moment. This was a wonderful accomplishment for them and us!
Fall was upon us, and we enjoyed the European beauty. I loved walking on these fall mornings--the crisp air and foliage was magnificent!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get ready to Eat!! When Schwester Klee invites us to dinner we always accept!!!! Her Kuchen is sooooo good. Our Elders especially enjoy this. There just isn't a better meal prepared anywhere than that of Schwester Klee's. We love her meals, but she is also one of our dearest friends.

Schwester Klee's Kuchen is so good, and you can count on the fact that you have to take two servings! Although by the time you have eaten her wonderful meal, you wonder where your going to put the dessert! Well worth every mouth full :) :)
We celebrate the Schwester Geburtstage with them by taking the Abends Essen and decorations into their apartments. They love us coming and especially love my "Americana Salat". They usually eat wurst (hotdogs) Brotchen (similar to French bread--but way better,) and whatever else I decide to take. It's a fun way to celebrate with them.
Schwester Keuthmann far left; Elders Forsyth and Gassman; Kirsten and Schwester Kuper.

Zum Geburtstage Schwester Keuthmann :) Her birthday and Schwester Kuper's were one week apart. We love celebrating with them, and you cannot wish them a happy birthday before the actually date! It's bad luck.

Zum Geburtstage Schwester Kuper :) Elder Gassmann, and Elder Forsyth were also in on the celebration. Schwester Keuthmann is to the far right.
Sister Kuper was actually quite happy that we were there celebrating with her, but she was caught with a scowl. I never showed her this picture.
We see a lot of bikes here in Germany. Literally everyone rides a bike. This one however stole my heart. There are many of these and as you can see it does not have any peddles. The very very young start learning with these bikes. Ages 2 on up learn without the peddles. they are close enough to the ground that they use their own legs and feet to move the bike. They don't have training wheels, they simple learn how to balance on their own accord. It's pretty cute seeing them ride these.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lets go to the temple! We gathered the sisters, and left for our Fall Temple Trip. There were 8 total including the two kinder. We rented the van so that all could go. This is always one of the highlights for our little gemeinde (branch).
This group of sisters were so happy to feel a "little piece" of heaven as they arrived at the temple. Sister Kuper, on the far right, brought the first of her family names: Her Mother, Father, and Grand-parents names. This took a little encouragement, but that's a story for our newsletter.
The Freiberg Temple spire with the Angel Moroni stood out so beautiful against the blue sky, that it brings to mind the joy of salvation waiting for all who will listen and "hear" the sound of his trumpet---Come--Come--to the House of the Lord.
Sister Klee finished the last two names in her family line on this temple trip. She never does like to smile for photos, but she was very happy to accomplish this work for her family. She now feels, and IS sealed to some of her kindred. She bears a thankful testimony to have this work completed.
We said good-night to this beautiful temple, and will see it again soon.
We said "good-bye" to another favorite Elder early one morning, before normal wake-up time! He was transferred to Heidelberg. We will miss you Elder Puriri, you have served the Lord well in this part of His vineyard. We will see you again when you come home...we will be there by then too.
Herr Stoye is an investigator and came to Erfurt to listen to General Conference. Sister Klee and Kuper are both wonderful members. Sister Klee was the sister we helped to return to activity. She is now one of our strongest members. The good-looking fellow on the end is...??? Yes! I know who he is!

Continue on...more posts
General Conference Week-end was wonderful. We travel to Erfurt about 1 1/2 hours away to listen to our prophet. This is the group of missionaries who are in the "English" broadcast room. Most of them like to listen in their native tongue. We love these wonderful Sisters and Elders, and we drink in all of the wonderful messages from our leaders. Our vessels yearn for this time.
We had a wonderful visit with our friends Donna and Kent Jones. They were over here with a tour group. We traveled to Weimar and spent an all too short visit with them, but it was wonderful seeing their faces, AND SPEAKING ENGLISH. We all stayed at the Hotel Elephant which is located right on the market square of Old Town Weimar.

Friday, September 24, 2010

When the Sun did shine and we had warm days I took advantage of it's warmth and so did others....

We've had such cold weather through August, that I couldn't help taking this picture of an Elderly Lady soaking in the Sun when it did come out. She stayed there for about 15 minutes, and then walked off.

Naturally Nature...
The Earth has also been commanded to fulfill the measure of her creation...and she does.

Sunset taken off our deck in Nordhausen.

This Park Garden is in Nurnberg. We go there for Zone Conferences.

Woodpigeon is quite large. They are seen often, and as they fly there is a beautiful pattern of white against their grey feathers.

The bush reminds me of our Lilacs, but does not have the fragrant smell.

The Chicken or the Egg first?? This Rooster could tell us...

This slug is huge, about 4-5 inches long. It's eating this paper..humm

All of Nature is here for something. It certainly brightens my soul and brings a balance into busy lives.. Take time to enjoy some yourself.
We grew some Marigolds on our deck in grow boxes and they brought in some delightful visitors.

Go to the next page...more is yet to come...

This Mute Swan is one of hundreds we see on this pond each week, as we traveled to Erfurt for DCM. It was pretty far out so a little fuzzy. They have all flown South now.

These hay-bale images "crop-up" this time of year, as the farmers cut their fields. They are a delight to come across. What great imaginations!

These two hay-bale images were on our way to Erfurt. Even farmers can have fun!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We all enjoyed this little celebration for Elder M. The branch area is used for all of the gatherings of the Saints. Happy B-Day. You should probably start counting backwards now...
Happy Birthday Elder Muhlestein-- He really is 71! We had a sister in the Gemeinde take this photo, and she had never used a camera before, so we were coaching her through what she needed to do. The first shot was of the floor!! We were still laughing about that.

Here is some real honky-tonk piano going on. Elder M decided to put his hand into the action...

Richard's favorite cake is Carrot Cake. and the cookie recipe is secret. I retrieved it however from one of our Elders. I traded one of mine for this recipe of his family. YUM

These are made from hay bales. They are huge rolls. Someone on this farm is very creative!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Please continue to send your comments to us.
I have them come to my e-mail first due
to some unusual comments that I cannot read
that are coming from China??? I will then post all
comments that I can read. Have a great day!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

This warm, genuine soul, Brother Aeurus, has brought along with him his posterity into the gospel. He and Richard were like brothers again, meeting after 50+ years. We felt of his gratitude for a missionary that came into his life, and made a difference for many.