Friday, September 24, 2010

When the Sun did shine and we had warm days I took advantage of it's warmth and so did others....

We've had such cold weather through August, that I couldn't help taking this picture of an Elderly Lady soaking in the Sun when it did come out. She stayed there for about 15 minutes, and then walked off.

Naturally Nature...
The Earth has also been commanded to fulfill the measure of her creation...and she does.

Sunset taken off our deck in Nordhausen.

This Park Garden is in Nurnberg. We go there for Zone Conferences.

Woodpigeon is quite large. They are seen often, and as they fly there is a beautiful pattern of white against their grey feathers.

The bush reminds me of our Lilacs, but does not have the fragrant smell.

The Chicken or the Egg first?? This Rooster could tell us...

This slug is huge, about 4-5 inches long. It's eating this paper..humm

All of Nature is here for something. It certainly brightens my soul and brings a balance into busy lives.. Take time to enjoy some yourself.
We grew some Marigolds on our deck in grow boxes and they brought in some delightful visitors.

Go to the next page...more is yet to come...

This Mute Swan is one of hundreds we see on this pond each week, as we traveled to Erfurt for DCM. It was pretty far out so a little fuzzy. They have all flown South now.

These hay-bale images "crop-up" this time of year, as the farmers cut their fields. They are a delight to come across. What great imaginations!

These two hay-bale images were on our way to Erfurt. Even farmers can have fun!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

We all enjoyed this little celebration for Elder M. The branch area is used for all of the gatherings of the Saints. Happy B-Day. You should probably start counting backwards now...
Happy Birthday Elder Muhlestein-- He really is 71! We had a sister in the Gemeinde take this photo, and she had never used a camera before, so we were coaching her through what she needed to do. The first shot was of the floor!! We were still laughing about that.

Here is some real honky-tonk piano going on. Elder M decided to put his hand into the action...

Richard's favorite cake is Carrot Cake. and the cookie recipe is secret. I retrieved it however from one of our Elders. I traded one of mine for this recipe of his family. YUM

These are made from hay bales. They are huge rolls. Someone on this farm is very creative!