We enjoyed a wonderful conference with President Uchtdorf this last weekend. What a thrill for this little group of Berlin Missionare to sit at his feet. We were even privileged to shake his hand. Richard and I got to do that twice! As you can see we are sitting on the aisle at the right, and when he came in he reached over and shook our hands. Then he had all of the missionare stand up, and each of us shook his hand, One by One. His message to us was so encouraging and inspiring. The next day there was a large televised conference that went to 9 different tongues, and several Europeon Countries. We also saw that conference. There he announced that very morning he and some others had gone to a special place, (It was in the Tiergarten Chapel in Berlin) and re-dedicated Germany. He said that no records were on file of all of Germany ever being dedicated, and that President Monson's dedication was done in Dresden, but was not meant for all of Germany. So the "Brethren felt a need", and they went ahead and dedicated it. We feel so blessed to be a part of that now new "official" dedication. Germany is ready and we feel a surge of energy in the missionaries here to move this people forward, and to give them the opportunity anew to accept the gospel. What Joy!