This is the flyer, and Elder Mason's illustration of Alma 32... You can't see all of the details and colors here, but I love how he depicts a man and a woman caring for the tree, and then partaking of the fruit together. This flyer will be going to all of our less-active members to help them remember that the seed of the gospel needs to be nourished, or it will be scorched with the sun, and die. Thus our testimonies must also be nourished for us to partake of the wonderful blessings and fruit of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Since we are unable to get into some of our less-active homes, the inspiration given to me was, then take the "word" to them in another way. We know that the Lord has given this way to us, and now it can be given to them to ponder. Choices---Agency--but oh the joy when your agency is used to receive the fruit of the gospel! "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."